High Power Sales Presentation

/High Power Sales Presentation

High Power Sales Presentation

In today’s business world, communications, be they verbal or non-verbal is an essential and key tool of many Top Executives Presentation skills are skills that we can learn practice, and perfect them for professional and non – professional situations.

Being able to deliver an excellent and first-rate presentation means an increment of self confidence and unlimited career potential. Delivering an interesting, attention – holding presentation requires more than standing in front of an audience and reciting what they have rehearsed.

We often think that some people are just born speakers, and we would faint rather than get up in front of a crowd, but the truth is, good speakers develop themselves over time, continuously honing their skills and learning from each presentation they make.

Course Outline

  • Preparation and Practice
  • Identifying Your Presentation Style
  • Know the Audience
  • Handling the Audience
  • 4 Basics Steps
  • Presentation Checklist
  • Reducing Your Fears
  • Key Point
  • Closing Effectively


What participants will gain at the end of the program

  • Be able to think on your feet in most situations.
  • Understand what the audience want and need to know.
  • Present a clear, concise and rewarding presentation.
  • Stage-manage the presentation and use audio – visuals.
  • Able to deal with difficult audience and questions and learn how to capture and maintain attention.
  • Acquire effective listening, questioning and feedback techniques.
  • Be self-confident, self – empowered to influence the audiences.
  • Able to relax and develop a tone of voice that the audience will respond to

Our Approach

  • Highly interactive lectures
  • Interactive Discussion
  • Role plays
  • Course manual
  • Activity Handbook
  • Personal Action Plan
2018-02-28T11:28:30+08:00 January 31st, 2018|0 Comments